Community News
We are excited to offer WIC BENEFITS to eligible women, infants, and children in our community. This program provides nutritious food for young families.
Environmental Initiative
We are committed to improving our environmental impact. Our kitchen, meat room, and produce kitchen work with Black Dirt Farm to compost our compostable waste. We are upgrading old refrigeration and store lighting to increase efficiency and reduce our electricity usage. Our goal is to become a net zero building. We continue to look for ways to reduce packaging impacts. Another big way we positively impact the environment is by promoting and selling local products.
All About Local
Buffalo Mountain Market is committed to selling local products. Spending money locally strengthens our community and our environment.
What is local?
We use Vermont’s definition of local, which uses the State of Vermont as the boundary that defines what is local. Over 22% of our sales come from local products. We are striving to increase that percentage. Look for the Local Label showing which products are from Vermont.
Member Made
As a community-focused co-op, many of the products we stock are made or supplied by our members. Look for the signs in-store.
Another way to reduce food miles is to buy regional products. New England and Quebec have wonderful products to offer. The produce department has been especially interested in bringing in food regionally in the winter months.
Feeding Hardwick
Buffalo Mountain is dedicated to feeding the community nutritious food.
Food Pantry
Drop off donations for the food pantry in the box by the entrance. This organization is a big help to our community. We also work with them to purchase food from us and distribute it at an affordable price.
Community Dinners
The co-op has been supporting community dinners in Hardwick and surrounding towns for many years. The number of community dinners available in Hardwick is growing. The traditional Thursday lunch is now made by a rotation of groups, including Hazen Union High School. The Civic Standard and American Legion also offer community dinners by donation. Eating food together helps our community grow stronger.
Child Haven’s Indian Dinner
The co-op has supported Child Haven International’s annual Indian dinner for many years. This organization provides food and shelter for orphaned children in India. One of our members helps run this organization, and we support his efforts!